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Saturday, October 9, 2010

A day of being a shopaholic and a dedicated best friend to a scholar

This blog site is not intended for an online diary....
Don't worry..I won't write it that way...

Just this morning, my best friend really accompanied me to go to a dermatologist for a consultation. I have my very own right of privacy not to divulge anything about medical records so beat it. Oh well, she's my best friend since 3rd grade and that's like 12 years ago. I'm just glad we never change our friendship throughout the years. Due to unnerving and quite huge disappointments, we went to the mall and shopped for cosmetics. Talk about being vain..LOL! We are not vain, just going with the flow of the modern world. We ate lunch at McDonald's and went back shopping for clothes until we got tired.

We went back to our alma mater to attend a tribute to a graduate. She was quite a graduate, she's been to rough times and she strive hard to be a scholar for her to support her studies. I am so thankful that I finished college without that much financial difficulties and at the same time I envy those people who had a right to decide for themselves. I was greatly neglected with control of my life and even until now that I'm a professional already. My best friend's college life was so memorable to her as she enjoyed every moment of it and she loved doing it. Me? I was stuck for 4 years surviving nursing which was not my first choice. I don't say I hate it. I swear I love serving people especially attending to the needs of the sick and dying but somehow I can feel something's missing. I haven't fully lived my life according to how much I wanted it but more on how other people wanted it to be. I still want to be an oncologist, to find a cure for cancer, an artist in which my first love and passion is arts, and go into human relations and communications like oral and writing communication which I think I have a talent on. I'm so ambitious but I'm not quite sure if my life is well driven. I am thankful for God for giving me all the blessings even though I don't deserve them but still feel quite malcontented of the life I had. I'm confused with all these paradoxical thoughts in my mind. I'm a nurse but I'm into a writing job.  I'm not quite sure if I'm heading the right direction....

But the people around me this day made me realized one thing: to be thankful of everything: the happiness, joy, sorrows and even the greatest problems in life. They all make us strong and it's basically a part of living as a human. There are still a lot of thoughts I ponder on my mind. These thoughts that will never seem to end until I get the answer. For now, I live my life and pray for everything.. God speed.


  1. you seem to me quite a very determined lady, not giving an inch just to reach that very pinnacle in the ladder of success.

    But you have to keep in mind that even if God can do such things as miracles..we can never read what his true intentions are for what we do here in this world.

    True, ambition can motivate man to succeed at all he does. but too much of it can make his life miserable. i think we should be content of what we have, utilize our skills and talent that God has given us. if we desire for more, then we will lose sight of our true calling. we can never have everything at once..

    your profession alone is not solely a gauge for a fruitful convenient life, but so are nurturing friendships, relationships, and those people around you who made a difference in your life, esp. your loved ones.

    And above all...God only knows.

  2. Thank you so much..that really enlightened me...

  3. Hi best...after it's been two years since this picture is taken...i have not really read this blog then...i'm so touched as to how you really mentioned me in here...i miss you... do not worry...God will plant you to where he wants you to grow...Believe me...your blessed
