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Thursday, August 12, 2010

Why only humans get a heart attack

Why only humans get a heart attack

by: Rizhel Ann Supremo

According to recent international statistics, Heart diseases remain to be the leading cause of deaths worldwide. There are several types of heart diseases depending on the cause and area affected. One lethal incident that may be a result of undiagnosed heart diseases is a myocardial infarction also known as a "heart attack". A "heart attack" is the term commonly applied to people who have suffered a myocardial infarction (MI), most commonly related to coronary artery disease. The myocardium is the muscular tissue of the heart; it receives nutrients and oxygen from the coronary arteries. The coronary arteries are small blood vessels in the myocardium which bring blood from the aorta, the main artery of the body.The common symptoms are squeezing chest pain and syncope (fainting episodes).What makes untreated MI (Myocardial infarction) lethal is that the damaged blood vessel renders insufficient blood flow to different body parts. This insufficient blood flow may cause weakness and paralysis to our limbs. A "heart attack" is only applicable to human beings for the very main fact that we are among the 4 mammals who doesn't produce their own vitamin C. These mammals are the fruit bats,gorillas,guinea pigs, and of course we, the human beings. Among the 4 mammals, we are the rational ones with irrational actions. From the 4, our species tend to eat unhealthy food and lack enough exercise. Since, we don't produce our vitamin C, we take vitamin supplementation daily as it is a water soluble vitamin excreted in our urine. The very main fact that we don't produce our own vitamin C contributes to the risk of having a heart attack that is also linked to how well we maintain our immune system. Vitamin supplementation and exercise is not enough for you to lessen the risk of having a heart attack. Since, most heart diseases are caused by unhealthy lifestyle, focus on eliminating bad habits. A great percentage of heart attack victims are the obese and smokers. We are the more rational beings, we have our own choices- to love healthy or not, yet animals are more healthy even if what they do and eat are just based on natural instincts. Let this be a lesson to all of us that the world is easily changing and that we are given more options. Choose a healthy lifestyle now and live a healthy heart today and tomorrow.

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