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Tuesday, August 3, 2010

30 new original quotes

1. Beauty is not just skin deep, you need healthy organs too.

2. Dreams are the mirrors of our souls that speak beyond our consciousness.

3. Just like the wind, friends come and go but you have to breathe them in so they become a part of you.

4. There's a traffic jam in my head caused by the idea of love.

5. It's when the heart gets broken, the mind takes over and sanity returns.

6. Most men are like vultures, they prey on the weak and shallow women.

7. Loving someone who doesn't love you back is like holding your breath underwater, you strive to make it last but it won't.

8. I don't wanna settle for less because there are still a lot to discover.

9. Laughing loudly is not really the best medicine for cardiac patients.

10. The X-rays tell that nothing seems to be broken except your brain.

11. Profane language is like oil, it easily slips from your tongue.

12. Victoria's secret ran out of flowers in her garden, her new upcoming scents will be extracted from vegetables.

13. The best way to avoid men is to put a ring around your engagement finger.

14. Heels are not just heels, they tell men that women stands up for their rights and they can also level them off.

15. We're going back to the ways of the animals when it comes to sex.

16. Potato couch people are born out of television.

17. In Math, they tell you x=y but in English it's called a grammatical error. How contradicting.

18. My wallet maybe empty but at least, my brain is not.

19. Life is like an online game, you need a good weapon to survive, a durable armor to protect you and real friends who battle with you.

20. Some lessons are hard to learn because you don't want to.

21. That's why Patrick is dumb because a star fish doesn't have a brain but sponges don't have too. No fair.

22. Fear make us human enough to let us admit that we're vulnerable.

23. Sometimes you will never learn to fight back until you see yourself bleeding.

24. If life is tough, be tougher.

25. Hurting people unreasonably means that you have a weak ego, you're afraid to get hurt so you hurt people first before they hurt you.

26. Sometimes my system becomes overloaded and the best way is to press reset.

27. Only God knows the key to unlock my heart.

28. When you feel alone, call for Jesus because I know he's just out there waiting for you to talk to him.

29. Life is too short to waste it on people who doesn't realize your worth.

30. When lightning strikes, you'll hear thunder but when love strikes, you'll always wonder.

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