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Wednesday, August 11, 2010

A clean towel for a clean and beautiful face

The concept of beauty has slowly evolved throughout the years. From traditional to conventional to the non-conventional ways like surgeries and chemical applications. Let's not forget that our daily routine contributes much compare to these expensive procedures.

For example, your daily face towel. It may sound so simple and senseless to say this but it really affects a lot to our daily facial care. To promote good hygiene, we have to change our face towels and body towels at least every week. The reason behind this is that it can be the primary source of dirt and germs that may be the one causing your oily face and unwanted pimples. Every time you wash your face before you go to sleep, you feel fresh and clean but why are you still having those pimples? You may not notice it but sometimes you forget to change the towel you use to wipe your face. Some people opt for disposable face wipes but majority uses the humble and simple towel. A lot of people doesn't change these towels and this become the venue for you transferring dirt and dead skin cells to a refreshed face. It is important to promote good hygiene first in taking care of our skin. I do hope from now on, you'll change your towels frequently and have a separate one for the face and body. One towel for the face and another one for the body because you don't want body germs and dirt to be misplaced in your face. Don't you?

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