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Wednesday, August 11, 2010

The changing face of beauty

September 14, 2008

I read a lot on the free magazine included with the newspaper. Thanks to Inquirer for giving those cool freebies. The mag basically contained alot of articles and fun facts about beauty, the facts and fallacies.The believable and the unbelievable. So let me start with the first article I read, it was all about our Filipino perception on Beauty. The slim,fair and straight hair Asian look, the tall brown eyed meztisas.Those are just a few of the ideal " beautiful Filipina women" labels- a very stereotyped image. Of course, not only women are affected by this kind of virus. Men too are now vainer than ever. I realized, that all my life, I've been brainwashed by the media to think the same way and adhere to this kind of mentality.Everyday is like a struggle of survival from my ever drowning ego trying to reach some of these standard expectations of what they call "beauty". I realized that I'll never be happy of who I really am if I still dream too much and float on those mere fantasies of being a 5′8 model,with green eyes, fair skin and a much slimmer body. I'm really just dreaming too much, and I should wake I should be more like Betty of Ugly Betty (a popular American show), I'll accept myself and be true to who I really am. Another problem is that I expect too much of "the ideal guy " that's why...maybe I'll never learn how to love coz I'm more skeptic on physical details. I learned a lot, and i hope you too...Be real and the inner beauty will shine within...


  1. i BElieve in the phrase Beauty is in the eye of the beholder, but beauty can be fleeting".

    so much has been made about, talked about, dreamed about, in the name of beauty. and so much of what is happening of today's perception of beauty is greatly attributed of today's trends. it's like beauty will never be complete if you don't fit on the same mold what the media is feeding and portraying in their resumes' as perfect examples of beauty.

    in my opinion, what will beauty do to you if you're personality sucks like a biatch!!!

  2. yeah..I got your will fade but character lives much with being too conscious..why don't we try to tackle on the needs of humanity instead? hehe
