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Friday, August 6, 2010

How to choose a church that fits you?

by: Rizhel Ann Supremo

Religion plays a major role in molding our current civilization and culture. It's a basic principle to have a definite human belief on an entity or possibly another human being. If you're an atheist, these things won't bother you at all. But if there are circumstances from which you want to be a part of another religion or convert to a new one, here are some key points for you to consider on weighing your options on a more solid approach.

1. Know it's history

History tells us that people never did learn anything from history and mistakes are just repeated all the time. That's indeed a fallacy. We always look back at our pasts and examine our shortcomings to better understand the present and future. It's essential for you to know the history of that certain religion for you to prepare yourself on what lies ahead.

2. Who do I believe in?

Some people believe on a strong force that link them to the entity they believe in and some may not. This kind of force serves as a bridge of communication between your conscious self and to that entity. Before making a choice, delve into your inner soul's longings and internalize what your inner being speaks for.

3. What's my purpose for this change?

Stories are foretold from generations to generations about paradise lost and regain, about ex-convicts entering priesthood and stepping into "the light" and many more with some untold. For some, having a church to worship to or a religion to believe upon is a way for penance and reconciliation, and for others to change for the better. Marriage of different cultures also invokes one to be a part of their spouse's church. There are a lot of reasons behind everyone's belief. Let this reason be rational and logical for a good cause.

4. Am I ready for such thing?

Choosing your church us not merely like choosing an outfit for an event but more like choosing your skin- it become s a part of you. Are you ready for that commitment? Are you ready to tackle some changes in your life? By knowing the history of that religion, you'll already get an overview for some sacrifices you have to make to be a part of their community. Think it thoroughly.

5. The key to salvation is not by the choice of your church or religion.

This last but most vital point should not be left under the shadow. Different religions portray different roads to salvation. For the millions who believe or wonder on redemption and final judgment, there maybe or may not be an existence of afterlife. But let me just tell you about broad minded scientists who believe that the haven of redemption is really just here on earth. Though it's here, it's beyond our dimension, not perceived by mere human senses. We all want to have a meaningful life and perhaps a more meaningful life after death.

No matter who you believe in or what you believe in, it all boils down on you. You are the key to your salvation or whatever you perceive it to be. It all depends on your actions that show what you believe in. Everything you do here on earth is fully accounted for. Your belief is dead when it don't coincide with your actions. So remember the path you choose and what it's worth for.
Live well my friend!


  1. Joining a church is one thing..but shaping it the way your religion teaches it doctrines begins with the self.

    Religion is just a name, the essence is ultimately your relationship with your creator (God, Jesus, Budhha, Confucius, Allah, etc.)
