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Monday, July 11, 2011

Soul Searching

I think I'm still too young for marriage but believe me..I'm tired of being single since October 2009...I want to feel love again..but it seems like I'm just stopping myself...

I don't understand why I am attracted to guys who are a bit complicated with issues in the past or even the present...

I'm writing this topic coz I am really depressed...

this co-employee of mine really treated me special...very special indeed..he already met my family..went to our house...

the feelings were mutual (or at least that's what I thought)
I did not commit because he just left somewhere far away where he's really been from..

the first few moments...I didn't really gave that much attention to all his efforts and now that he's gone and I'm not sure if he's coming back..I feel like being crushed inside...

I'm not sure if I'm in love but when he left...I feel like there's a big part of me that's missing...

it's really painful to think of something you should hope for coming back or just let go...

waiting in this way is excruciating...

what should I do?

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