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Monday, October 11, 2010

Which is a healthier option: Tap Water or Bottled Water?

A friend of mine posted an article conveying that tap water is better than bottled water. I told him that maybe he is basing his article on the American setting where their water systems are trusted. Undeniably, that is not the case here in the Philippines. Here are some of the replies I gave concerning his call to a healthier choice which is tap water. it's better to weigh down your options more carefully. Here's what I got to say:

We already tackled that several times in our discussions last year. The problem here in the Philippines is the way we handle our water sources. If you drink tap water directly from the faucet without boiling it, then there's more than a 50% chance you'll end up having diarrhea. Most of our water systems here are not that trusted, those less fortunate people who are unable to buy bottled water are the common victims of Acute Gastroenteritis (inflammation of the gastric/stomach lining due to an infection). I had a few number of patients with that case and came up to a conclusion that tap water is not safe to drink. 

As to tap water, I agree that it contains the essential minerals needed for our body
but it can also contain bacteria and other microorganisms that can cause several digestive problems....
To bottled water..don't believe on companies claiming their water is "MINERAL" because the term MINERAL will only apply to water from its natural source with all the minerals intact. Don't be deceived by those claims to the fact that most of the bottled water now are actually just "PURIFIED" meaning it has undergone the process of distillation and no minerals are left behind. And as to "SPRING" water, many brands will use that word in their brand names to allure people but only few brands actually sell real SPRING water because these are not that easy to acquire from their natural sources. 
Water is life and no individual can live without it....

I'm just sharing some of my knowledge and experience for you to choose well what bottled water you have to drink or what process should be done first for tap water to be safe to drink.

either's still your choice...I do hope I made a point somehow

1 comment:

  1. bottled water is still my best choice...

    Tap water could be dangerous in highly urbanized cities..

    If i'd live my life in the province..ok lang kung tap water inumin ko.
